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Michigan Ross MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Google Meet

Image for Michigan Ross MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Google Meet

I interviewed via Google Meet via email after coordinating with my interviewer to select the format. The interview was résumé-based and conversational, lasting about 40 minutes—20 minutes of questions for me and 20 minutes for my questions.

The interviewer asked:

Why an MBA?
Why Ross?
Tell me about a time you had difficulties with a project at work.
Have you visited other schools you are applying to?
What makes you the perfect candidate for Ross?

I found the interview engaging and straightforward. The atmosphere was welcoming, and the structure allowed for a balanced conversation. One thing that surprised me was being asked about the other schools I’m applying to. I wasn’t sure if this was a trick question or simply a way to gauge my decision-making process. However, I wasn’t surprised by the expected questions about my MBA goals and why I chose Ross.

Overall, the experience reinforced my positive impression of Ross. The conversational nature of the interview and the opportunity to engage in a meaningful discussion made it clear that the school values authenticity and self-reflection.