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Michigan / Ross MBA Interview Questions: Round 1 / Second Year Student / On-Campus

Image for Michigan / Ross MBA Interview Questions: Round 1 / Second Year Student / On-Campus

The following Michigan / Ross MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them!

My interview trip to Michigan was actually a really fun weekend of exploring the campus, learning more about the program, and meeting a lot of people. I flew in to Detroit on Thursday night, took an Uber (~$30) to Ann Arbor, and went to bed. Friday morning I walked around the campus on my own, grabbed lunch, and then had my interview with the Tauber Institute for Global Operations.

The Tauber interview was NOT with a second year student, it was with the Admissions Manager, Laura Turner. She is a really nice lady and we had a casual conversation led by her questions. They were things like: What interests you about Tauber? How would you contribute to your team? How have you developed as a leader? Overall it was about 30 minutes long with some time for my questions at the end.

Saturday was the main interview day for the full Ross MBA program. There was registration/welcome at 8 AM before we were split into two groups to determine when we interview. One group went to their interviewers at 9 and the other at 10. I went at 10 to a study room where I met with a second year student. He was a nice guy, we also had a casual conversation led by his questions. They were things like: Why MBA? Why Ross? Tell me about a time that you worked with a diverse team. Tell me about a time that you went out of your comfort zone. Overall it was about 40 minutes with some time for my questions and a fun chat about college football at the end.

After all the interviews, we all went to Pizza House for the Team Exercise. It’s a fun activity with 5 or 6 other applicants where you get some random words and are tasked to develop a business problem and solution with those words. It’s really nothing to stress about, just don’t be a jerk to your team members and you’ll be fine. After that was a building tour with some other current students and then a mock class taught by the Associate Dean. That was the end of the official day organized by the school and the rest of the trip was hanging out with other applicants in downtown Ann Arbor, watching football, eating, exploring, etc.

I had a great trip and would definitely recommend going to interview on campus if you get the opportunity! Good luck!

Preparing for an upcoming Michigan / Ross MBA Interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit Ross School of Business Interview Guide.

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