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Michigan / Ross MBA Interview Questions: Round 2/ Second-year student/ On-campus

Image for Michigan / Ross MBA Interview Questions: Round 2/ Second-year student/ On-campus

The following Michigan / Ross MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them!

This was a big interview day at Ross. We had a whole program and the Admissions team was tremendous in laying out where we needed to be and facilitating communication between interviewees. The interview was in the morning in a study room in one of Ross’ buildings. My interviewer was very welcoming, engaging, conversational, and kind of laid back. We chatted for a couple minutes and then got into it. I’m not sure if I remember all of the questions.

First question: Why MBA? Why Ross?
Then went through my resume and asked about specific bullet points and projects mention within
Talk about a failure you’ve experienced.
Tell me about a time you had to deal with ambiguity.
What would you bring to Ross?

We had 10-15 mins for me to ask him questions and he was very open about his experience. It was a very conversational and non-confrontational interview.

*A note about the group interview: It was a very fun and loose activity. There are 5-6 people in a group with 2 evaluators. Your group gets one word that is your “company” and then 6 other words, of which you need to use at least 4 to create a problem and solution for your company. After the 15 mins, you then present your problem and solution with everybody having some speaking part. Then the evaluators will ask you a follow up question and you get two mins to create a 1-2 min response. It was a lot of fun and an opportunity to be creative and work with some potential future classmates.

Preparing for an upcoming Michigan / Ross MBA Interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit Ross School of Business Interview Guide.

After your interview, be sure to add your first-hand interview report to the Clear Admit Interview Archive.