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Michigan / Ross MBA Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year student / On-campus

Image for Michigan / Ross MBA Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year student / On-campus

The following Michigan Ross MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them!

Interview with student on campus as well as team exercise. Team exercise was super fun and truly nothing to be worried about…you’re given 5-6 words and have to pitch a problem and solution based on that. Remember to be a team player!

My interviewer on the other hand was a bit intense. She was typing furiously throughout the interview and seemed more interested in getting through her list of questions vs actually getting to know me as a person. She was definitely friendly but I’ve had more personal interviews since then. Ultimately got waitlisted so not sure if this dinged me in a large way or not.

1 – Why mba? Why now?
2 – Why Ross?
3 – What’s your backup plan if you don’t get a job in your desired industry?
4 – What are you passionate about?
5 – Tell me about three people you’ve influenced.
6 – Tell me about a time you thought outside of the box.
7 – What are you most proud of?
8 – How will you give back to the Ross community?

There were a few more questions related to my specific industry but those were the general questions asked. Best of luck!

Preparing for an upcoming Michigan / Ross MBA Interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit Ross School of Business Interview Guide.

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