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Michigan / Ross MBA Interview Report: Round 1 / Alum / Off-campus

Image for Michigan / Ross MBA Interview Report: Round 1 / Alum / Off-campus

The following Michigan / Ross MBA interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant who was admitted. Congratulations to them!

I interviewed with an alumni of Ross who graduated three years ago, and now worked as a consultant in the area. It was at a Panera Bread in Washington, D.C. The interviewer was very, very cordial. He even bought me a coffee. In total, the interview took about 55 minutes (35-40 minutes of questions for me; 15-20 minutes of questions for him), because we got into a good conversation about Ross and the opportunities at Ross.

I was asked to “talk through my résumé; top-to-bottom”… there were secondary questions about specific bullets on my resume, how I handled team situations, a time that I failed, the projects that I worked on, and the outcomes of those projects. If I just did my job or if I went the extra mile or things that I took on beyond my responsibilities.

I was asked “Why MBA, Why now, and Why Ross?” I was asked, “What makes you different than other candidates?” “How I would contribute to the Ross Community?” and “What will be the toughest thing about business school?” Then, he asked “What is something that we didn’t cover that you want the Admissions Committee to know?” and finally, he opened it up for questions to him.

Big Takeaways: Like I said, it was conversational, he took notes, and overall a very, very painless experience if you know yourself and messages that you want to convey. There were no surprises, because I anticipated several questions based on previous interviews as seen on ClearAdmit. There was certainly a natural flow, and the interview/conversation was longer than my other interviews.

The quality of the interviewer said a lot about the school and how they do business. I was thoroughly impressed, and I did get into Michigan. Go Blue!

Preparing for an upcoming Michigan / Ross MBA Interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit Ross School of Business Interview Guide.

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