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MIT Sloan Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Skype

Image for MIT Sloan Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 /  Adcom / Skype

The following MIT Sloan interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them!

So the interviewer started off by telling me about herself, and what her role was at Sloan. She also mentioned that since this wasn’t a blind interview, she was really looking forward to stories outside of what I had already conveyed in my essays, and résumé. I can say that this interview was markedly different from my other interviews, in terms of its strong focus on behavioral questions. The interviewer not only asked behavioral questions but also at times drilled down to focus on a particular portion of my answer.

The questions were as follows:

• Have you done anything of significance since you applied which isn’t covered on your résumé
• (I recounted a couple of opportunities I had pursued) – Tell me more about these
• Tell me about a situation where you received push-back
• Now tell me about an instance where you pushed back on something
• Recount a difficult conversation you had at work
• (Follow-up to last question) – How did you handle this particular aspect of the conversation (related to my answer)
• Why does it make sense for you to take 2 years for an MBA at this stage of your career
• Why MIT Sloan
• You’ve covered a general direction of what you’ll be working on, what are some specific future plans post-MBA
• Anything else you’d like to cover outside of your application
• Anything you want to ask me

Overall the interview lasted about 30-35 min. The interviewer was really friendly, and we maintained an amiable atmosphere throughout. I think the interview went well. I was caught slightly off-guard because all of my behavioral questions fell in the realm of ‘difficult situations at work,’ so I had to dig deep to come up with distinct situations each time.

I am awaiting a decision. Best of luck to everyone!

Preparing for an upcoming MIT Sloan interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit MIT Sloan MBA Interview Guide.

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