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MIT Sloan Interview Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus

Image for MIT Sloan Interview Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus

The following MIT Sloan interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant who was admitted with scholarship. Congratulations to them!

I interviewed on-campus. It was fairly difficult to find the building that admissions is in so I would definitely recommend getting there early and leaving yourself a good buffer. The actual interview was conducted in the adcom’s individual office. We sat across from each other with a table between us – it was very relaxed.

The interview was not blind – the interviewer will have a good idea of who you are and will begin to probe at areas where they want more info or detail.


1. What did you do since lunch?
2. What’s changed since you applied?
3. Describe an achievement you mentioned in your essay.
4. Why your undergraduate school?
5. What are you most proud of at your current job in the past year?
6. What’s a time when you worked with someone who wasn’t passionate about the work? How did you try to energize them?
7. Tell me about a time you made a mistake.
8. A time when you could have made that same mistake but learned from the past one and corrected it.
9. Do you have a mentor?
10. When have you strongly differed in opinion from someone?
11. Why MBA?
12. Why Sloan?
13. What do you do for fun?
14. Anything else you wanted to talk about?
15. Any questions for me?

Outcome: I was accepted with a Dean’s Fellowship. Sloan was my favorite interview experience, as it was a friendly conversation that lasted about an hour. Just be yourself and be ready to bring new information to the table – their admissions process is heavily dependent on data and proof points of past achievements. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to introduce new proof points in the interview.

Preparing for an upcoming interview at MIT Sloan? Click here to get the Clear Admit MIT Sloan MBA Interview Guide.

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