I met with an assistant director of admissions at a hotel lobby in Santa Monica, CA. The interviewer was suffering from a bad cold/flu. He was friendly, affable, relaxed, and professional. It focused on the interview at hand with some smiles and laughs thrown in. He asked the following questions. My interview was short, about 25 minutes.
- Do you have your transcripts? (He opened the envelopes and looked them over)
- How did you like (undergrad institution)?
- Describe a time when someone’s input impacted your actions?
- Tell me about a time when you had to sell an idea to an individual or a group.
- Tell me about a time when you had to decide between many different routes or options.
- What’s a personal goal you’ve set for yourself within the last 2 years?
- How does Sloan rank compared to the other schools you are applying to?
- Why Sloan?
- Is there anything else you would like to add?
- Do you have any questions for me?
He did not grill me too much. Just asked the questions and sometimes asked me to elaborate on certain points of my response.