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MIT / Sloan MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub

My interview was held in the offices of MIT alumni and I was allotted 45 mins. I was the second interview of the day out of a total of 12 on the schedule.

My interviewer was friendly, but professional. While I felt like I connected with him during the interview and we had an easy conversation, I could not read him at all and have no idea what he thought about my answers. The probing follow-up questions made me feel like I wasn’t answering his original questions the right way.

The questions asked were:
– Any updates to your application?
– What do you think about MIT?
– Why did you change jobs from (company x) to (current company)?
– You have an offer from (current company) to return. Do you intend on taking it?
– Tell me of a time you received feedback and how did you respond?
– Tell me of a time when you had to mentor someone.
– Tell me of a time when others disagreed with you / when your opinions were challenged.
– Tell me of a time when you had to work with people not at your intellectual level.

I don’t remember the follow-up questions in more detail.

The interview portion only lasted 30 mins, which flew by. I spent the next 15 mins asking him about the future of Sloan. Throughout the interview, he either wrote on a notepad in front of him or on the iPad mini which, I presumed, showed my application/resume. What he wrote was in quite small text, and it did not make much sense to me (there were some key words and numbers in a corner).