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MIT Sloan MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / AdCom / Off Campus

mit sloanA recent MIT Sloan applicant provided us with a list of their MIT Sloan MBA admissions interview questions:

It was 30 minutes long. The interviewer was very positive, smiled a lot, and made me feel at ease. She explained to me who she was and how the interview related to the admissions process. During the interview, she drilled down into my answers to extract more details. The questions asked (in no particular order) were:

-What about the LGO program piqued your interest?

-Why do you want to get into management and operations?

-Tell me about a time when something didn’t go as planned. How did it turn out?

-What’s new since you applied to Sloan?

-Was there a question that you thought I would ask that I didn’t? (and then she asked me that question)

-What questions do you have for me?

-Tell me about the time when you had to deal with a team member who is not pulling his/her weight.

-Tell me something you’re proud of.

-What’s changed since your application?

-Tell me about a time when you had to persuade/convince others.

-Tell me a time when you influenced someone

-Tell me about a time your idea was rejected.

– Is there anything else that you want to highlight for the admissions office?

For more MIT Sloan MBA admissions interview questions, check out our MIT Sloan Interview Reports Archive!