My interview went exceedingly well from the beginning. The interviewer explained that her role was to be my advocate to the admissions committee, and that my task was to give her good material so that she could effectively make my case. This put me at ease, and surprisingly, the interviewer wasn’t as stone-faced and dig-downy as the MIT interview guide had led me to believe. I was accepted in Rd 1.
Here are the questions that I remember:
- Tell me about something you’ve done that you’re proud of.
- Tell me about a time you failed.
- Tell me about a time you convinced others to follow your plan.
- What do you do for fun outside of work?
- What do you wish I had asked?
- Why an MBA, and why MIT?
- Any questions?
The interview ran long–about 50-55 minutes. I’d give the same suggestions as others on this wiki: be concise, follow the STAR method but in a natural, human, storytelling way, and be genuine about why you’re excited about Sloan. Your enthusiasm will shine through and hopefully differentiate you from all the others who woodenly give canned answers. I found myself framing my stories/answers in terms of Sloan’s “mens et manus” (mind and hand) philosophy, and it worked really well. Lastly, it’s important to show smarts-plus-humility (which is a proxy in some ways for the other personality attributes Sloan likes).
Good luck!