I arrived about 20 minutes early and introduced myself to the admin. There were 2 other waiting for other time slots (which I believe were spaced out about 15 minutes each). My interviewer came out about 10 minutes early and we walked into her office. The interview went like this:
- I opened up with an ice breaker that wasn’t about the weather (I had lost my credit card the night before). My interviewer could relate, which was nice.
- I would have though that we would then go into the interview questions, but my interviewer proceeded to inquire about one of my activties listed on resume (It turns out be both rode motorcycles).
- After 20 minutes of chit chat, we finally began with the questions.
- Any updates since you submitted the app (talked about a death in my family and how it has insipred me to push forward)
- Talk about a time when you had a difficult time with your job? (writing my first article for company research)
- When did you take the lead on something? (connected with my previous story about how my second wiriting assignment I turned into a video log).
- Had to have a difficult convesation with someone. (A previous employee who was my friend but I had to fire nonetheless)
- When you failed at something. (A tutee that failed at the project we were working on, but tried ahrder next time)
- Proudest accomplishment. (helping my little sister get into college, which was a reflection of how I am committed to those around me).
I then asked my question of how community oriented the school was, instead of a sterile place of learning. Before leaving I handed over my transcript, and that was it.
a few tips:
- My interviewer didn’t care about my responsibilities at my job/future career ideas. They stick to the “past experiences” model, so come in with new and useful stories to tell. She had also already written down all of her questions she was going to ask, but didn’t seem to mind if we meandered a bit from them.
- Feel free to connect with the interviewer about anything- I think mine really appreciated the fact that we have a common interest and humanized the conversation.
- The interview is short. I was done in the alloted 45 minutes, even though I had gone through many stories (and had to think of a few on the spot). You don’t feel rushed, but be sure to keep stories concise and to the point.