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MIT Sloan MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub

Image for MIT Sloan MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub

At a hotel lobby / Highly conversational & to the point

As I saw my interviwer walking towards me, she picked a table at the lobby. We sat down and started to talk.

1. What’s new since you applied to Sloan
2. Why now MBA? – I added comment about my career goals
3. Why Sloan?
4. Tell me about a time when you mentored someone
5. What’s your biggest achievement
– She asked about my company and my product’s category for more contexts.
6. What do you do in your free time?
7. Tell me about a time when someone said no to you or your plan
8. Do you have any questions for me?

She asked lots of questions while I was answering my questions, making the interview very conversational. Her questions didn’t seem probing at all, just out of curiosity and for more context to understand better my stories. During the process, she commented like interesting, impressive, ok, what/how was this/that.

A few pieces of advice from clear admit’s interview reports I found useful were:
1) Think about your experience of frequently-asked situations; my thought process, challenges involved etc. –
2) Practice with STAR structure

During my mock interviews, I was able to learn what details to add and cut to make my speech more concise, yet interesting. You don’t want to bore your interviewer with too many details that are actually not very important ‘for her to know’ about you.
Overall, the interview was highly conversational and it was comfortable to be led by her during the conversation. I was admitted with a grant.
One thing I would like to add is that although I answered well all the questions in terms of contents, it was evident that I was nervous during the interview in terms of how I present myself. I guess the content itself is important. Good luck!

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