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MIT Sloan MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus

Image for MIT Sloan MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus

Pretty standard interview with an admissions officer, I had prepared for a ton of edge questions but I got 3 questions that were probably the easiest to prepare for / top of the list for most people:

– Walk me through your resume / background
– Tell me about a time where you made an impact on your organization
– Tell me about a time where you had to deal with a colleague who was challenging / hard to deal with
– Why MBA/Why Sloan

Relatively relaxed environment, although I didn’t feel like I made as much small talk as some other candidates may have. Although I knew the interviewer had all of my information up, I didn’t get asked any questions specific to my application, such as extracurriculars (which was slightly disappointing, as I had hoped to use those to bring up some good anecdotes). I used the STAR method, but may have provided too much information, as the interviewer didn’t have a lot of follow-up questions.

I had time to ask about 3 questions at the end and then time was up.

Overall felt like I had a B+ result – felt like I discussed all of my core narratives / reasonings for Sloan, but may not have created much of a personal connection with the interviewer (that I feel like some other interviewees had based on other reports). We’ll see how things go…

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