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MIT Sloan MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Deferred Admission / Skype

Image for MIT Sloan MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Deferred Admission / Skype

My Skype interview with MIT Sloan started out with a bit of small talk eg. how are you, how’s (country that I’m from), then proceeded to a quick explanation of what the adcoms are looking for in the interviewer. Vibe was remarkably friendly and very casual.

Went into a fair bit of depth into my work experience and analyzing various scenarios. I worked in consulting as an intern so I was asked “tell me about a time when you disagreed with a superior”. Most questions were fairly familiar so nothing too out of the unusual.

I was also asked “why Sloan/MIT” and what made MIT stand out as a business school for me. I was then asked about my post-graduation plans and how consulting -> bschool fits into my long-term plan. Not too significant probing but enough to make it a very engaging interview.

Didn’t feel anything too awkward or poor about the interview so was feeling reasonably optimistic about prospects. Ended up getting admitted so guess it turned out great!

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