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Northwestern Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumni / Zoom

Image for Northwestern Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumni / Zoom

The interview takes place thru Zoom. The alumni was a graduate who had a similar background and career aspirations as myself. It seems that they will find someone who matches your background or goals. The interview was resume based and on Zoom.

1) Can you please tell me about yourself?
2) What are the day to day operations of your job?
3) Why a full-time MBA instead of an Executive MBA?
4) What interests you in getting an MBA?
5) What if you don’t reach your goals? What is your plan b?
6) What do you bring that can contribute to the community?
7) What course track are you looking towards?
8) What type of leader are you? Can you give a few examples?
9) Tell me about a time you failed a project and how it has changed or evolved your leadership?
10) How has covid affected your job and what initiatives did you take?
11) What is something you’re working on to improve yourself?
12) Do you have any questions about the program?

The interview is very conversational and there seems to be a set of questions they ask. The alumni interviewer appears to have some leeway to ask their own questions. The basic why MBA and tell me about yourself questions are expected. I was surprised that the alumni asked me about what course track and courses specifically I was interested in. I reviewed a few courses beforehand and could answer; the alumni told me what they took and which courses they felt were important. The covid question threw me off a little bit as I didn’t have a good answer other than we did virtual meetings. I think the interview is very conversational and will go based on what you say. The fact that the interviewer seemed to have a similar career track as myself was a plus. I recommend looking over and seeing a general course of classes and familiarizing yourself to at least say one or two courses interest you.