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Northwestern Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype

Image for Northwestern Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype

My interview was taken by an Adcom member who was quite aged. The conversation was friendly, totally stress-free. I had to repeat a few of my answers because she wasn’t able to hear me properly. The interview spanned for around 50 mins. She aimed to keep it short as she had several other interviews to be done that same day. Below are the questions I was asked:

1. Walk me through your resume.
– Several follow-ups on my experience to get a feel of what exactly my responsibilities are and on the choices I had made regarding my career.
2. Why an MBA? What are your ST and LT goals?
3. Tell me about a leadership experience you have had either professionally or personally.
4. Tell me about a team experience where you had to work with people from diverse cultures/ backgrounds.
5. Which Pathways/ majors are you planning to pursue at Kellogg?
6. Which firms are you targeting for your internship/Post-MBA career? What do those firms do and why do they interest you? What are your backup plans?
7. Apart from Academics what else are you seeking to get out of the Kellogg program?
8. Which Clubs would you be a part of at Kellogg?
9. Outside of career clubs, what other extracurricular activities you will be pursuing here at Kellogg?
10. Any questions do you have for me?

Hope this proves useful to you all!