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Northwestern Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Virtual

Image for Northwestern Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Virtual

Interview started with a overview of the resume, which was followed by the below questions:

1. Tell me a bit more about your current role.
2. Most significant leadership experience?
3. Why MBA?
4. Why Kellogg?
5. Which pathway would you be interested in if and when you join Kellogg?
6. Which clubs would you be interested in joining?
7. Most significant achievement?

Ran for around 40 minutes. Ended with me asking a couple of questions on the school.

Overall, a warm vibe from the interviewer. She only had access to my resume and wasn’t the primary adcom member handling my application. As per her, she was there to give an independent view on me.