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Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus

Image for Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus

The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them!

Blind interview with a 2016 Alumnus

Interview started off well, but interviewer looked bored once he stopped talking about himself.

At the end, he said he had to squeeze in some work between interviewing and pulled out his laptop before I even left the table. That was really off-putting and seemed rude.


  • Tell me about your most significant career accomplishment.
  • What impact did that accomplishment have on your career among your superiors and colleagues? e.g., promotion, more responsibility
  • When did you lead a team through a challenge?
  • What was the result of that leadership?
  • Tell me a time when you had a difficult time working with someone.
  • Tell me about your strengths.
  • What is something that you’ve received feedback on to improve?
  • Why an MBA (e.g., instead of an online program)?
  • Why Kellogg?
  • How do you plan to contribute to the Kellogg community?

This was the worst experience I’ve had with Kellogg so far throughout the application process and talking with current students. If I were to evaluate the school based on the interview, I would rescind my application.