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Northwestern Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Zoom

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Round 2 / Alumnus / Zoom

I just had my interview with a Kellogg alum. The experience was fantastic, and he showed genuine interest in learning about my career and motivation to pursue an MBA at Kellogg.

He first introduced himself and shared with me his personal experience at Kellogg. He then asked the usual questions:

1. Walk me through your resume, followed by probing questions into academic and career choices.
2. What are my work responsibilities?
3. How would a co-worker describe my best and worst qualities?
4. Tough work experience?
5. Why an MBA?
6. Why Kellogg?
7. Any questions I had prepared for him. Given that he returned to work for the same company, I asked him how Kellogg impacted him in his work (before and after contrast).

The interview lasted around an hour.