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Northwestern Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions : Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus


The following is a Northwestern Kellogg MBA admissions interview description provided by a recent applicant: 

We met at a hotel restaurant and it was a relaxed / informal interview in October 2014 for round 1. The alumni interviewer just had my resume, which I provided him beforehand. Began with questions I expected related to my application – tell me about yourself, why you decided to go to this undergrad, why you took this job, why business school now, what you want to do after MBA, and why Kellogg, your leadership experience, other skills you bring to the classroom. I was surprised at how depth they expect you to know Kellogg – the culture, academics, opportunities. For why Kellogg it was very important to understand what sets the school apart from others and why the school is particularly suited to your career goals.

I thought the interview was very conversational and friendly overall, as long as you’re fully prepared for all the questions with good support for you answers. Wasn’t as surprised by the other questions. It strikes me as they are wanting to really get to know you and make sure you’ve thought out your goals and motivations for MBA and Kellogg.

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