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Northwestern Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumus / Off Campus

The following is a Northwestern Kellogg MBA admissions interview description provided by a recent applicant: 

Kellogg01 editedIt was a 1.5 hour, no stress interview. Following were the questions that were asked. Since I am applying for a second MBA, some questions were very specific to that. 

1) Walk me through your resume
2) Why first company
3) Why second company
4) Challenging situation in first company
5) Significant accomplishment in second job
6) Why another MBA
7) Didn’t you study operations in in your first MBA (This happened because i said in my previous answer that i want to focus on operations in the second MBA)
8) If you just continue doing what you are doing right now wouldn’t you still get there (Since i am already working on supply chain. she was trying to ask that i can just continue doing what i am doing right now and still reach my goal. In response i replied that i will get there much faster with an MBA)
9) You talked about sunil chopra(a prof in Kellogg), what else attracts you about Kellogg
10) So you talked about leadership, network, strategic knowledge, functional knowledge but all schools have it. What does Kellogg have that is so different.
11) What role do you take within a team
12) What do you do outside of work
13) What inspires you
14) If you had to describe your inspiration in 3 words what would you say.

For more Northwestern Kellogg MBA admissions interview reports, visit our Northwestern Kellogg interview archive!