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Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: R1 / Adcom / On-campus

Image for Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: R1 / Adcom / On-campus

I interviewed shortly after the submission date with and an adcom member on-campus. She was very friendly and the interview flowed more like a conversation compared to the other schools I interviewed at. She had set up the questions where they naturally progressed into the next topic so it didn’t feel as if I was just answering and waiting for the next question.

Interview questions

  • She asked for examples regarding when I had worked with someone challenging.
  • A time I had failed / things did not go the way as planned and what I did.
  • Lastly, we discussed how everything I mentioned connected back to Kellogg.
  • Culture and fit were important parts of the conversation, but I would say the other significant aspect was providing clear examples of how I plan to contribute and how I would grow from specifically from Kellogg’s program.

I was accepted and am thrilled to attend!

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