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Northwestern Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom

Image for Northwestern Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom

I was nervous while waiting, but I felt calm and steady once the interview began. The interviewer was from the Admissions office and mostly took notes as I answered. There were no surprising questions, and we discussed my leadership experience in depth. I rambled a bit, and paused to think several times, but she patiently waited. Overall, it was a pleasant experience, though perhaps not as lively as an interview with an alum or current student might be.

1. Where are you joining from?
2. How do you like Chicago?
3. I read your resume (not the entire application), will start with questions about your career, why MBA, why Kellogg, and post-MBA goals.
4. How’s your day-to-day work look like?
5. Is there someone who constantly directly report to you or it keeps changing?
6. When was the time you had to deal with challenging person in your team?
6-1. Does that person still have frustration?
7. Which project has shown most great team work?
8. How would you describe your leadership style?
9. You mentioned that people think you’re trustworthy. What other two attributes that your colleagues would use to describe you?
10. Tell me about your biggest achievements.
11. When did you jump in and use leadership to solve a problem?
12. Any constructive feedback you got? How did you react?
13. Why MBA?
14. Is there anything you’re preparing for post MBA goal? (mine was consulting).
15. What would you do if you don’t get recruited?
16. Why Kellogg?
17. Anything else that you want to talk about?