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Northwestern Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom

Image for Northwestern Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom

Interview was with a member of the admissions committee. Kind interviewer, taking thoughtful notes, and asking thoughtful questions.

Began with a brief intro to herself and the purpose of the interview. She’d seen my resume, so she began with particular questions about my work. Not necessarily in this order, this was more or less the conversation that was covered?
#1 Tell me about this experience [called out a specific position on my resume] and its purpose.
#2 Tell me about this role [temporary role I had] and why you were there for this length of time.
#3 Tell me what drew you to the role you are currently in now.
#4 Tell me about a project or professional experience that didn’t go so well.
#5 Tell me about your ST/LT goals.
#6 Why Kellogg?
#7 How would you contribute at Kellogg?
#8 You’re involved a lot in your extracurriculars, tell me about an extracurricular with particular meaning for you.
#9 Is there anything you hadn’t shared yet in today’s conversation that you’d like to cover?

Then opened it up for questions I had for her. Interview lasted ~40 minutes. Pleasant experience and makes me think positively of the school. Best of luck everyone!