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Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / First-year student / On-campus

Image for Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / First-year student / On-campus

About 20 of us interviewed that day (Oct 27), everyone was in a room then the students interviewing picked us up and took individuals to a breakout room for interview.

Started with 2 minute resume rundown.


  1. Why Kellogg?
  2. Why an MBA/why now?
  3. What are you short-term/long-term goals and how will Kellogg get you there?
  4. If you don’t get a marketing job (my short-term goal), what will you do then?
  5. Tell me about a time you led a diverse team.
  6. Tell me about a leadership challenged you faced.
  7. What will you bring to the culture at Kellogg? What clubs will you look to join?
  8. Is there anything else you would like to know about Kellogg?

The interview was different from others in that it was a question and answer, less like a conversation. Interview was blind which I knew from the website. I was a little surprised that immediately after we sat down, the interviewer started a timer that only he could see. We ended right at 45 minutes. He ended letting me know that admissions would follow up with correspondence and gave me his email address if I had any questions. I left the interview feeling like the process was very formal. Ultimately I was rejected by Kellogg.