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Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On Campus

Image for Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On Campus

The Kellogg interview was similar to most of my other interviews (my last of 6) with a few exceptions. First, Kellogg seems to use more admissions personnel for interviews than other schools; second, Kellogg is more flexible and willing to allow prospective students to sit in on classes and tours scheduled last minute. I had an older admissions member who was extremely nice and conversational; however I only prepared a few questions for her instead of the myriad of questions I had prepared for a student. The interview is blind although she had seen my resume beforehand.

The interview lasted about 30 minutes before allowing me to ask questions at the end.

  • She focused extensively on my career development and progression, asking why I made each move and how my leadership style developed over time because of my different positions.
  • Along the way we covered a leadership success/failure, my short term goals, and why Kellogg.

But I cannot emphasize enough that the entire interview was framed around my career development, lesssons learned, and my leadership philosophy.

Overall the experience was great as they allowed me to choose from 3 classes to sit in on, providing a student escort to introduce you to the professor just prior to class. I also took a tour of the amazing new building the day prior. Finally, I believe that the admissions member used my short term goals and even contacted a second-year student with my same career intentions. I can think of no other way how this random person would know or care to reach out to me and it was an incredible example of the community Kellogg is trying to create.