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Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumni Interview / Off-campus in Bay Area

Image for Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumni Interview / Off-campus in Bay Area

I applied in Round 2 and received instructions to schedule interview with a local alumnus within one week of submission of my application.

Interviewer asked me to meet him in a café. I arrived 20 min early in business casual. The interviewer came on time and was very friendly and casual. Had some small talk before the walk me thru your resume question. Generally very casual follow-up questions at different points during my answer.


  1. Like why you changed your major in college.
  2. How did you resolve this conflict. Etc.
  3. That was followed by tell me about a time when you have to work with a difficult member.
  4. Tell me about a team failure you were involved in.

The interviewer was very encouraging and evaluated my profile, telling me about his application experience.
Overall very nice interview experience and enhanced Kellogg’s image