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Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus

Image for Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus

Kellogg e-mailed me contact information for my interviewer. I had two weeks from the receipt of the email to complete my interview. I interviewed with alumni (recent grad in different field from mine), and the interview was blind (resume only).

The interview started off by small talk (weather, talking about the small city we are both living in). While the interview was conversational, the questions were very structured. My interviewer took very detailed notes and was following what seemed like a script.


  1. Introduce yourself / walk me through your resume
  2. Tell me about how your role in projects evolved as you were promoted.
  3. What are your goals after MBA?
  4. Why MBA now?
  5. Is team work a heavy component of your current job? Tell me about your team
  6. Failure involving a team. What did you learn from it? How would you take lessons learned to the classroom?
  7. Have you worked with a diverse team? What did you learn?
  8. What has been your biggest professional success?
  9. What is your leadership style?
  10. Strength and weakness
  11. What if MBA doesn’t work out. What is your plan B?

Then, I had time to ask him questions. I was surprised he didn’t ask “Why Kellogg?” and I was trying to weave that into my answers, highlighting why Kellogg is best to help me achieve my goals, etc.

The interview went on for an hour (with questions). Even though the questions were formal, the interviewer was very positive and interested in my answers. As expected, majority of the questions were around team work. Overall, very positive experience.

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