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NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: R2 / Adcom / Off-Campus interview in Mumbai

Image for NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: R2 / Adcom / Off-Campus interview in Mumbai

The following NYU / Stern interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 MBA applicant. Good luck to them!

The interviewer (Associate Director of Admissions) started off with normal talks: how are you, where are you from, what do you love about this city etc.? Then he asked me about my interests and hobbies (weird I know that he started with extracurriculars, but I guess it descended from my answer to what I love about the city). We discussed at lengths about my interests and what drives them.

The interviewer had prepared few questions from my resume. So, he asked questions about my job profile and things he was interested in knowing. He was digging very deep and there were follow up questions for each answer. Basically, he was trying to gauge what I do at work and how?

Then he asked why do you need an MBA?
Why Stern?
And finally, any questions for the interviewer.

I did not face a single behavioral question, which seemed odd to me. But yes, the entire interview was very relaxed and conversational. The interviewer was genuinely interested in knowing me better.

The interview lasted a little more than 30 minutes. Please note that I had an off-campus interview in India. If you are interviewing in NY, your interview might be a bit different depending on who your interviewer is. So, read other Clear Admit debriefs and prepare accordingly.

All the very best 🙂

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