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NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

Image for NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

The following NYU Stern interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 MBA applicant. Good luck to them!

I was invited to interview in December and scheduled my interview for early January. Stern wants students to attend in person and interview on campus. I booked a hotel for the night before my interview near Penn station. My interview was in the morning so I took the time to walk down from Penn to the business school.

Upon arriving, I checked into the admissions office. I was given a personalized folder that included information on the areas of interest I had indicated as well as clubs that I might be interested in based on my essays. It was a very welcoming environment and shows that Stern cares about the people they interview.

My interviewer was incredibly kind. We started off with some small talk about how I got down to NYC, how the New Year was going before jumping into some more structured questions:

1. Tell me about yourself?
2. Tell me about your current role?
3. Tell me about a recent project you worked on?
4. How would the senior leaders you interacted with in this recent project describe you?
5. What type of team environment do you like working in?
6. What strengths would you want to see in your classmates?
7. How would you get involved with the school?
8. What other clubs would you be interested in joining?
9. Beyond snowboarding, what other activities do you do?
10. Any questions for me?

Overall the interview went quite well although I didn’t feel at my most confident and stumbled through a few of them. Everything on their end was very professional yet friendly. I never felt intimidated, and instead felt quite welcomed. When I was preparing to leave I was handed a Stern t-shirt. It was a great experience and better than the others I had received. Stern showed that they care about their applicants.

Preparing for an upcoming NYU Stern interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit NYU Stern Interview Guide.

After your interview, be sure to add your first-hand interview report to the Clear Admit Interview Archive.