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NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

Image for NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

If you interview on Diversity Days or Women’s Day, you may interview with an Alum and your experience may be different. With the regular scheduled Adcom interviews, the important thing to note is that this is not a blind interview. They know everything about you. They read your resume, your essays, looked at your Pick Six, everything. It’s very conversational and comfortable, but it is structured. They started off with an icebreaker question picked off from one of the interesting fun facts from my application. I sectioned off the questions I remembered into two groups:

Why MBA/Why Stern:

  • Why did you choose your career path over others that may be similar?
  • What skills from your background will help you in your chosen career path, and what would you like to learn at Stern to supplement this?
  • What aspects of the MBA program at Stern excite you the most?
  • How are you going to use the career development and recruiting tools that Stern has to offer?

Behavioral questions:

  • Describe your daily work routine in 30 seconds.
  • What would your boss or colleagues say is the best part and most challenging part about working with you?
  • What is the most exciting part about your job? Can you give an example of that?
  • What is the role you would typically take on in a 4-6 person team?
  • What are your hobbies outside of work? (don’t just list the hobbies, tell them what the challenge is, what you learn from them)

Bottom line, know your behavioral stories like the back of your hand. STAR-L (Situation, Task, Action, Result, what I Learned) format always. It helps to write them down in bullet form so you have the details down without sounding memorized. View the rest of the interview reports and prepare answers for those too. Good luck!