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NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Adcom / Zoom

Image for NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Adcom / Zoom

Like most have said, my interview was very casual and started off with a quick ice breaker about my Pick 6. A lot of my questions were specific to my application and my non-traditional background (PR & Psychology major), so I won’t go into specifics there. Relevant questions I had were:

1. How would your team describe you (both things you’re good at and where you could improve)?
2. Why Stern? Why an MBA? Why now?
3. Greatest accomplishment?
4. How do you prioritize deadlines?
5. Do you have coding experience?
6. What type of leader are you?
7. What would you do in NYC for a day?
8. Anything you’d like to add?
9. Questions for me?

Tips: Know how to talk about your short-term career goal, your plan B if you don’t immediately get into your desired role, and how you’ll leverage Stern’s resources to get there. Also, just be yourself because this is an EQ interview. The adcom member kept emphasizing that the team really prioritizes EQ in the people they choose. Answers that make you seem like you’re overly competitive and don’t thrive working in group environments might not land because the adcom member noted that their current class is strong in these particular soft skills.