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NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus

Image for NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus

The following NYU / Stern interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 MBA applicant. Good luck to them!

Interviewed in mid-November on campus.

Before the interview

I arrived the day before my interview to attend campus tour, student chat, and class visit. I highly recommend doing a whole day of on-campus activities prior to the interview as it was a great conversation starter for my actual interview.

Day of the interview

I arrived about an hour early and decided to hangout at a nearby coffee shop. Upon check-in, they gave me a t-shirt and a packet of all the clubs and classes that I mentioned in my application. The interview was very casual, adcom had a copy of my resume when I arrived. Started off with small talk, when I flew in, did I visit any classes etc. Questions revolved around my interests, why MBA and career transitions. Interview lasted for about 30 mins or so. It seems like EQ and IQ is huge this year. Although Adcom never directly asked me questions to demonstrate my EQ, but I feel like the interview is an assessment of EQ. No notes were taken during the interview.

After the interview


Good luck everyone!

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