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NYU / Stern Interview Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On Campus

Image for NYU / Stern Interview Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On Campus

The following NYU / Stern interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant who was admitted. Congratulations to them!

The interview was on campus when school wasn’t in session (January). It was very quiet around campus, but the admissions office was warm and welcome. Though since school was not in session, there was no option to visit classes or grab lunch with a current student. The adcom was very familiar with my application and drove the interview without needing to review details. It lasted 35-40 minutes, and none of the questions were particularly surprising. She was very casual.

The questions we talked through are listed below.

1. Let’s start by talking about your more recent experience first. Tell me about your current role.
2. You have a really interesting career ambition that’s different from your current experience. Talk to me about why this interests you and how you landed on it.
3. So what kinds of companies/roles would you want in that industry?
4. What are your short term goals? Long term goals?
5. What kind of support do you expect to get from the career development office? What kind of work would you expect to put in yourself?
6. Do you have any questions for me?

I received an acceptance via application status update two weeks later.

Preparing for an upcoming interview at NYU Stern? Click here to get the Clear Admit NYU Stern Interview Guide.

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