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NYU Stern Interview Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

Image for NYU Stern Interview Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

The following NYU / Stern interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant who was admitted. Congratulations to them!

I had been to the adcom office the day before my interview for the “lunch with a student” program, so I knew where to go on the day of my interview. Nevertheless, I arrived 15 minutes early to cool down before the interview.
The adcom secretary gave me a T-shirt, but no additional information about the school or clubs I was interested in, as I had read in others’ interview reports from previous years.

The interviewer walked me into her office, we had a little chat about my getting to NY (I flew from across the world) and I think she was really trying to get me to relax and be myself.

All in all, it was one of the nicest and most conversational interviews I’ve ever had, and I felt that it really helped me present myself and be myself.

1. She asked me about my moving from one country to another (a point that stood out in my résumé) and I took that as an opportunity to walk her through my entire résumé.

2. How would your colleagues describe you?

My answer was pretty brief with some examples to explain my choice of words.

3. Why MBA in the US?

I explained my long-term goal (starting a company in the US) and how the MBA fit in.

4. Why Stern?

I did a lot of research, talked to many alumni and students, knew professors and course names, watched some of the professors’ videos on YouTube, knew what clubs I wanted to be active in. It was evident in the way I talked about Stern and the details I knew about the program as a result. The interviewer was impressed with my research and I think that doing your homework REALLY helps, in terms of your own confidence and what it says about your interest in Stern.

I also talked about the parts of Stern that would help me get into consulting, my short-term post-MBA goal.

5. I mentioned that I had been in NY before but not in a long time, so she asked me about my plans for the rest of my stay, and it was very conversational.

6. She asked if I had any questions for her, I had a couple.

The interview lasted about 30 minutes.

I was pleasantly surprised to see there were not nearly as many “annoying” interview questions as I had anticipated (what are your greatest weaknesses? etc.)

I know NYU hasn’t the best ranking, but in my interaction with students and schools so far, it has been the warmest and friendliest school – including the admissions interview.

After 3 weeks I got a positive admissions decision by email.

Preparing for an upcoming interview at NYU Stern? Click here to get the Clear Admit NYU Stern Interview Guide.

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