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NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-Campus / Adcom

Like the last contributor, I felt I needed to share my interview experience because it was a marked contrast to others. I met with an adcom who was also very intense. I did not feel like it was a “conversation”, more like a formal interview, like that of a job interview.

Questions I had never seen before but were asked were:

  • My exact career progression (unlike others, I was not asked to talk about my decision to attend my undergraduate institution although I had graduated only 4 years prior to the interview)
  • Why Stern specifically; i.e. what did I believe was different in the Stern program from other MBA programs and why did I feel that would be my best fit.
  • What I would do if I did not receive any summer internship offers
  • The best constructive criticism I had received; why was it the best
  • Example of a group project that failed
  • My role on a team
  • My leadership style
  • If I was being introduced at the 2013 Class of Stern Graduation, what I would want the speaker to say I had achieved at Stern. I wasn’t expecting this one, and fumbled a little by not mentioning such specific things. My interviewer then followed up with specifically what contributions would I feel proud of making at Stern.

I, too, felt quizzed on my area of interest and why I wanted to change into that career (as I was a career-changer).

Based on my flub of answers, the result was no surprise. About 2 weeks later, I was waitlisted. Still have R2 applications out so I am going to wait to decide based on other acceptances, if and when I receive them.