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NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-campus / Adcom

I interviewed for NYU’s fulltime MBA program (rd 1).

I met with a female adcom member and another woman from admissions sat in to listen. She took notes and made one or two comments throughout the conversation, though I tried to make eye contact with her so she felt involved. The discussion lasted 40 minutes.

I thought that this would be a non-blind interview, but I did not get any questions on my application or essays. She had my resume in front of her and asked a few questions from it.

As we walked into her office, she mentioned one of my volunteer activities. She was very friendly, but she asked this before we were even sitting, so I wasnt sure if this was part of the introduction small-talk or if we had already begun the interview. She did not ask many follow-ups, which is why we were able to cover so much material. The questions were more rapid fire as opposed to other interviews which were much more discussional.

I was asked the following questions:

  • What are three words to decribe Stern?
  • What do you like about NYU?
  • If you got into all the schools you applied to, how would you decide?
  • Example of a difficult interaction with a coworker
  • When was the last time you were happy at work?
  • When was the last time you were frustrated?
  • How will you get an interview in the industry you want to work in?
  • What is different about what you do now compared to the industry you want to work in?
  • What will you do if you cant get a job in that industry?
  • What are some examples of companies in that industry?
  • What clubs will you join?
  • She asked if there was anything else I wanted her to know about me. I blanked on this and stupidly said no, but I included something in my thank you note. She replied and said that she would include it in my file.