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NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom

Stern requires that you visit the school for the interview. All interviews are done by adcom employees, and if not direct employees then alumni or students who work for the admissions office. They give you the option of scheduling lunch with a student and a class visit with your interview – if you haven’t ever visited, I would take the option to do both. I also asked the student to give me a quick tour of the building – that actually was very interesting. They also have guided tours, but it was nice to have a student’s perspective.


I met with someone that worked directly for the admissions office. I had actually met her earlier that morning when she walked me to my class visit. She only had my resume in front of her and told me she had read my application. Right away she asked a question about my 3rd essay (the personal one) which was expected b/c I had ended that essay specifically with a question that would be asked if I ever met with Stern. Other q’s:

  • How did you end up here today?
  • What are you most excited about coming back to school?
  • What will your co-workers miss about you when you leave?

We also hit on a few topics related to work about: working on teams, what else I would like to learn at my job, how I handled conflicts (with customers).

Be sure to have questions for the interviewer. She knew I had lunch w/a student beforehand so I was pretty set to go on information but have some extra ones anyway.