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NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-Campus / Adcom

Like all the other candidates, I was greeted with a packet of information based on my interests as well as a Stern tshirt. My interviewer was an Associate Director of Admissions and she was quite pleasant. After the initial chitchat about my travel to NYC, we got straight to the interview:

  • How did I choose my undergraduate education?
  • What is your career progression?
  • What are your strengths? Weaknesses?
  • Why do you want to get an MBA?
  • Why do you want to come to Stern?
  • What will you do if you can’t get in your industry of choice?
  • What are some classes you’d like to take at Stern?
  • Questions for her?

I think that was about it. Hopefully this is helpful. Hope for an admit in the next few weeks!