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NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-Campus / Adcom

Applied to the JD-MBA at the end of January, invited to interview at the end of February. Interviewer was a very nice ad-com who had clearly read my application, but did not ask about the JD aspect of my application (although I discussed it in many of the answers). She had my resume in front of her during the interview.

  • Tell me about doing [a specific extracurricular interest from undergrad]? Why’d you do it?
  • Why MBA/Stern specifically?
  • Where would I find you on the Stern campus?
  • Tell me about a workplace conflict
  • How would the people who know you best describe you?
  • Where are you on a scale of 1 to 10, if 1 is intelligent and 10 is hard-working?
  • Time for questions

Also had lunch with a student and attended a class, which gave me very positive impressions of the school. Decision came 8 days after the interview.