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NYU Stern MBA Admissions Interview Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus

The following Stern MBA 300px-NYU_Sterninterview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a successful Round 1 applicant to NYU.

I arrived for my interview about 15-20 min early. When I checked in, they handed me a packet they had prepared for me based on what I said I was interested in studying and the student groups I might be interested in joining. Read this while I waited for my interview to begin.

My interviewer was very nice and approachable.
First thing I did was hand her an updated resume and explain what had changed.

  1. She asked me to explain why I had made my past decisions, and I took this as an opportunity to run through my resume (why I had chosen my undergraduate degree, where I worked, etc.) She really seemed to want to get to know me and understand my personality.
  2. We talked in depth as to where I would like to work and she asked me to pretend I was interviewing for that company with her – what would I say in that job interview. I had read an autobiography about the company’s founder so I was prepared and able to show how committed I was to my goal. (understanding the company’s values, etc.)
  3. After talking about how Stern would benefit me in my goal, she then asked how I would contribute to the Stern community, ie return the favor.
  4. She asked what set me apart from the other hundreds of applicants. What made me unique and would make them want to admit me.

Note: Every student and professor I mentioned (referencing those who I had communicated with and the professors I had researched) she seemed to know about so it’s very important to actually know who you are talking about instead of just dropping names without any background.

I interviewed in mid December right before winter break and so I had to wait longer than usual, until after the break was over, to get my decision. Admitted.