Interviewed with an adcom member. She was super nice and made me really comfortable throughout the meeting. You should be ready for very specific questions from your application materials. I think Stern puts a lot weight on candidate’s recruitment strategy, so be prepared. Other than that, just go out and show your research and interest into the program. Good luck to everyone. (Lasted about 35 minutes)
– Question about Pick Six.
– Could you give me an overview of your daily responsibilities? What does your typical day look like at work?
– How would your coworkers describe you with three words and what one thing would they would say makes it difficult for them to work with you?
– Tmat when you had a conflict with someone at work and what was the outcome?
– What is your recruitment strategy? How are you gonna use resources at Stern?
– What is your Plan B? Which firms are you looking to work for your plan B?
– Which firms are you looking to work for your post-MBA goal?
– What are the personal traits you envision when you think about Sternies?
– Specific question about the part where I talked about how I got to know about Stern.
– Which classes are you looking to take here?
– What is your leadership style?
– Which clubs are you looking to join and actively contribute?
– What surprised you the most while searching about Stern?
– Closure – my questions to interviewer.
NYU Stern MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom