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NYU Stern MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Adcom / Zoom

Image for NYU Stern MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Adcom / Zoom

Interview was held on a weekday afternoon via Zoom. Woman interviewing me was not an alum, but rather a part-time employee on adcom, from what I understood.

We had a friendly chat to start things out about New York. Then she wanted to make sure we had plenty of time, so she got to the questions. I felt very prepared for the questions, and I got the sense she appreciated my answers and the research I had done on the program. Then I asked her a few questions at the end. Her questions were not simply one sentence questions; rather, they had some context leading into them. For example, when she asked “Why Stern,” she led into it with some comments about Stern and the type of students who fit the mold to be successful at school. The questions themselves were straightforward, though, I thought. Here’s what I remember (although I don’t remember the order of questions):

1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Why Stern, and why now?
3. If someone was coming to visit New York, what activities/landmarks would you recommend to them?
4. Tell me about your plans for after graduation, and how Stern will help you get there.
5. Talk about your style of working and leadership at work.
6. What sets you apart from other candidates?
7. What is something other people do that frustrates you?

FWIW: I interviewed around 2 weeks ago, and still haven’t heard back yet.