I had my interview with Saïd Business School over Skype. My interviewer was the Head of Career Services at the Saïd Business School. The interviewer had reviewed my essays and other application materials before the interview. The entire interview lasted about 30 minutes.
The interviewer asked the following questions:
- What are your career goals and why did you decide to pursue a MBA? (And related question) Why did you select Oxford?
- Which other schools did you apply to and why?
- Have you heard back from the other schools? What were the results?
- In your current job what are the areas where you think you have room for improvement?
- In which areas (skills) do you think your supervisor wants you to improve?
- In which areas (skills) do you think employees who you supervise want you to improve?
- What is the biggest weakness on your resume? What would you have done differently to address this weakness?
- Have you informed your company that you are applying to business schools?
- Since you supervise over 40 people at work what is your approach towards emotional intelligence?
- What questions do you have for me?
Overall, the interviewer was cordial and polite but kept things very professional. It was hard for me to gauge (from his reactions) during the interview wheather he liked my answers or not.
Result: Admitted.