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Oxford / Saïd MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Adcom / Off-campus, Telephonic

I had the interview in early March. Unfortunately, it was a telephone interview and it lasted 30 mins.

He asked the following:

  1. Strategies to cope with current market trends (specific to my industry)
  2. How my company nurtures creativity in its people
  3. Qualities of an entrepreneur
  4. Do I have these entrepreneurial qualities
  5. How would you contribute to class.
  6. Any questions for him

Oxford Said’s interviews tend to be short (ard 30mins). Therefore, interviewees should deliver their messages succinctly. British interviewers may go on a monologue and suddenly ask the question so it pays to be alert. If you are unsure of the question asked, request the interviewer to repeat the qn.