Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: October 26, 2011
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On Campus
Interviewer was an admissions official and very friendly. Handed my resume and a sheet which i had just filled out upon arrival which asked to write ST/LT goals (space given to answer each is limited so i think they just expect the highlights) Questions i got: Tell me about yourself Describe professional accomplishments, why important What is leadership style Why MBA / why now – weaved it with goals/why Kellogg What would teammates say are 3 strengths What would teammates say is 1 weakness Difficult situation with team What I do outside of work Why did I choose my undergrad
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Published: October 25, 2011
Kellogg EMBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom / On Campus
The EMBA interview is required just like the FT program. Given the unique requirements of the EMBA programs (8+ years of managerial experience and required company sponsorship) the interview is more to gauge your fit. AdCom introduction: The AdCom meets to discuss your packet. I am your representative at the AdCom meeting to put your face and interview before the committee. The interview should complete the “picture” of you that we do not gleen from your essays and your resume. Questions: What do you currently do? Describe your current position? Talk me through your resume in any order What is
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Published: October 25, 2011
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom and First-year Student / On Campus
My interview was conducted by two people: a Kellogg admissions officer and a first year student who was training to be a part of recruiting. The interview was pretty conversational and the interviewers were very friendly. Here is an overview of the of the questions I was asked: Background: Associate at a healthcare strategy consulting firm Duration of interview: 30-35 minutes Note: this is not the actual flow of the interview. I have just listed the questions as I remembered them. Your background is very interesting – how come you did not think about medicine. Tell me about yourself and
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Published: October 3, 2011
Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-Campus
Regarding the interview, here were my questions….Perhaps it will help other candidates prepare…Though I thought they were fairly average MBA interview questions. 1) Walk me through your resume 2) Why an MBA now 3) Why Tuck 4) Tell me about your strengths 5) Tell me about you weaknesses 6) Tell me about a time you managed a team 7) Tell me about a time you faced a challenge in a team 8) Tell me about anther time you faced a challenge in a team? 9) What is something that you can bring to Tuck Culture (pretty much a copy of
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Published: September 18, 2011
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom / On Campus
I interviewed with a member of the admissions committee on September 8th, 2011 and was told that I was one of the earliest applicant initiated-interviewees. I was allotted 30 minutes and spent about that much time. I had the chance to conduct a mock interview with a friend of mine who was an incoming first year there and that helped a lot. The one area I had to work on was an example of team leadership which helped me during the actual interview. I think understanding why an MBA, your resume, and why Kellogg helped me a lot. Prior to
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Published: September 9, 2011
Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Decision / Alum / Off-Campus
Interview was earlier in the month with an alum in my city. It lasted 1hr and was relaxed but comprehensive. I feel like she asked me every question on her sheet. Walk me through your resume Why Columbia? What are your goals? Why an MBA now? Backup plan Leadership example Teamwork example What’s my leadership style and provide an example? How will I contribute to Columbia? Time I faced adversity example Provide adjectives that your supervisor would use to describe you Weakness question Ethical dilemma example What other schools are you applying to? Is there anything you want me to
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INSEAD MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-Campus
R2 applicant from Asia. My first interview was with an investment banker in the lounge of a nice British-style restaurant/bar. It was close to my office and was convenient to reach. I arrived on time. It was raining hard outside and my interviewer arrived soon. We moved to a corner table and ordered some sparkling water. He told me that the interview was going to be a conversation and that this stage of the admissions process was to gauge the person behind the application. I placed a copy of my CV on the table for his reference. Some of the
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Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Regular Decision / Alum / Off-Campus
Dates – Submitted 1/4/11, Interview Invite 2/17, Interview Date 3/3, Report Completed 3/4, Accepted 3/21 My interview lasted an hour and 15 minutes and it felt like about 30 minutes. It was held in his off campus work headquarters (a really neat building) and it began with him giving me a great tour and buying me a cup of coffee. After settling into his lounge he began the semi-formal interview. We both knew the gravity of our talk and he definitely played the interviewer but he was very up front about his goal of just getting to know me. In
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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Off-Campus / Alum
Interview was conducted with 2008 alumni in cafe and lasted approximately 50 minutes. Interviewer only had a copy of my resume, and interview flowed much like a conversation. Topics were: Tell me about yourself Walk me through your resume What has been challenging about your job What are your future ambitions Why MBA at this point in your career Where do you see yourself after Kellogg Why Kellogg What clubs are you interested in (I had mentioned all of Kellogg’s student activities) What areas of study do you want to focus on Questions for interview about Kellogg Interview was friendly
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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Adcom / Skype
Received interview invite about 7-10 days after application was submitted. I feel this is evidence Harvard looks to fill a class profile. Interview was conducted via Skype with Adcom who had reviewed my entire application. Interviewer made an emphasis to create a relaxed environment by being extra friendly and kept the interview as conversational as possible. She specifically stated the purpose of the interview was to get to know who I am which was a relief to me after preparing for a stress interview. Looking back this was definitely an interview tactic – do NOT fall into the trap of
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Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Adcom / Skype
Received last minute interview invite – 8 days before decision deadline. Interview was conducted via Skype with Adcom who confirmed she had only reviewed my resume and lasted 25 minutes with 5 minutes for questions – this was spelled out in the introduction. Topics were: How did you end up choosing your major How did you end up in your current job (how military job/location selection works) Explain what you do in your job (this was a detail oriented discussion with many follow up questions) What is an average day like for you What are you future goals Why MBA
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UVA / Darden MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus
I was a first round applicant for the class of 2013. I’m from the midwest, four years of consulting experience, and interested in general management. I was invited to on campus interview. There were other students that were interviewed my 2nd-year students, but for some reason….I was interviewed by an adcom. She was great, very nice and respectful. Standard Questions: Tell me about you Why’d you choose your undergrad Tell me about an experience where you had to lead and team and make a difficult decision What was a major accomplishment in your life Why Darden Plans Post-MBA Do you
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NYU / Stern EMBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-Campus
So my story was a little bit different, I’m applying for an executive MBA program. Since it was really hard to find questions for these interviews I hope me sharing it here will help other candidates. I was greeted and offered water, then she explained the interview outline, her asking me some questions and then review the materials she prepared, followed by me asking questions. Here are some of the questions I was asked: Tell me a little bit about yourself and walk me through your resume Why MBA? Why Stern? Tell me more about your experience in the army
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INSEAD MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / 1st and 2nd interviews / Alumni / Off-Campus
Scheduling the interview I received my notification that I had been selected to interview in early January, about 5 weeks after the Round 2 deadline. A few days later I received an email with my interviewers’ names and contact information. I sent them each an email with my availability in the next month. I proposed dates starting a week later to give myself at least a week to prepare for my first interview since this was my first business school interview. I proposed quite a few dates on Fridays and the weekend since I am only in town Friday-Sunday. After
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INSEAD MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Alum / Off-Campus
I am an applicant based in Bangalore/India. I interviewed with an alumni in person in Bangalore. The interview schedule was decided by mutual consensus between me and the alumni. We decided to meet after postponing it once. The interviewer was very nice and co-operative. I wore formals for the interview and reached his office in time. The interviewer introduced himself quickly. Then he explained that this was going to be more of a conversation. He already had the print out of my resume and the 6 page profile. He then asked me to walk him through my resume. While I
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Published: April 26, 2011
Georgetown / McDonough MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / On-campus / First-year Student
I was invited to interview for R3. Since I was going to be taking a day off to go to Washington D.C., I opted to sit in on a finance class. The student assigned to me was very helpful in giving me her insights on why she chose Georgetown over her other choices. My interview was with a first year student. Because Georgetown shares the interviewer’s name in advance, I was able to look him up and get insight on the student clubs he was involved in on campus. Interview lasted about 40 minutes. Here are details: Blind interview (I
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Published: April 21, 2011
Georgetown / McDonough MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom / Off-Campus
I interviewed with an Admissions Director and she was very cordial and friendly. We met off-campus in a Chicago hotel. The interview was for 30 minutes. I arrived few minutes early and she came out to greet me. We sat in the lobby in plush comfy chairs. It was difficult to hold my resume book in front and talk, but I adjusted and soon became comfortable. She asked me: What do you want to do after an MBA? Tell me about your career path. Why now? Why Georgetown? Have you visited Georgetown? If you had to do off campus recruiting,
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Published: April 14, 2011
London Business School MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus
My interview was at the office of my interviewer after work. We met at 6.30pm and didn’t get out until just after 9pm (I certainly wasn’t expecting such a long interview, but it seemed to go well). He wasn’t from the same background as me, nor was he in the industry that I want to go into. I got the impression that he had only briefly skimmed my CV, so we started off by talking through that. Following on from that were fairly typical questions: why do you want to do an MBA? what is your career vision? what is
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Published: April 13, 2011
Oxford / Saïd MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom / On-Campus
I flew in to London and arrived Oxford via train on the 18th of February 2011. Questions: Why do you want to get an MBA? Why Oxford? What would you bring to the class? Discussion about football (mentioned favorite team on resume) I see you want to work in a private equity firm focused on emerging markets…..Well, to be honest, they don’t exactly come banging on my door asking for MBA’s how do you intend to secure a job like this? Can you name five of such companies? Any questions for me? The interview lasted 30 minutes. Got an admit
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Published: April 11, 2011
London Business School MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-Campus
My interview was scheduled for 6 PM at the interviewer’s office. Although the interview was scheduled for an hour, it lasted almost 2 hours. Not a negative sign, though, as the interview was somehow conversational. My interviewer was not from a different industry, but he had after school the kind of experience I´m looking for (financial background with operational experience). The best advice I received before the interview was that despite specific questions being made, I should leave my main messages clear. Questions: What qualities make a leader a good leader? What do you need to work on in order
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Published: April 11, 2011
NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-Campus / Adcom
I was greeted with a packet of program information based on my career preference, and they also gave me a Stern t-shirt, like others mentioned earlier. After some initial chitchat of how I got to the city, we went straight to the interview: She started by asking how I developed the hobby I mentioned in my third essay. My career progression / roles in my job. Describe/justify my career goal. What to do if I could not get the summer internship I wanted. How would my friends describe myself? Describe a challenging client situation. How would I decide which MBA
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Published: April 11, 2011
Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-Campus / 2nd-Year student
I had my interview with a 2nd year on campus doing one of their recruitment weekends. Most of the other students interviewed had 2nd years as well and I had been told that the interview was very laid back and a lot like a conversation. I did not feel that way. I will say that after the interviews, a lot of other prospectives felt like theirs was very laid back but this was not the case for my interview. He seemed to just go down a list of questions and wrote down my answers. All of the questions except for
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UVA / Darden MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On campus / Second-year student
I interviewed on campus with a second year. He started off saying that the admissions committee was already impressed which is why I was called in for an interview and that this was a blind interview. He then told me that I had about 30 min to tell my story and to start whenever I wanted. I briefly touched upon my childhood and my college experience and then focused on my career choices and extracurriculars. There was then about 15 min for him to ask follow up questions. ex. why Darden and why MBA. I thought there would have been
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UVA / Darden MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / Skype
I am an applicant based in Bangalore/India. I had an interview with an Adcom member over Skype. I wore formals for the interview, tested my Skype set up for video chat and ensured a good view of my room. Please be prepared for a video chat. The interviewer in fact, insisted on having one even when the Internet connection became a bit bad. My advice for all those who are attending an interview over Skype is that please reserve a video-conferencing facility for the interview if possible. My interviewer got stuck up in traffic and informed about the delay. Finally,
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