Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype
Pretty straight forward questions (info not present in the application) but not the most typical ones, so it was not completely a blind interview. List of interview questions: Tell me what did you do for fun in high school Why did you choose your undergraduate university What was your master thesis about? Why did you choose your first job and why did you leave What 3 words would your boss say if he was asked to qualify you Why YALE SOM Questions for me At the beginning the interviewer told me that it was going to take only 25 minutes,
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Published: March 31, 2011
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom / On Campus
I interviewed with a member of the admissions committee, and although I was only allotted 30 minutes, it ended up to be almost an hour and a half. I know everyone is looking for the type of questions, which is really important in preparation, but the most important factors are really knowing your resume, motivations, why Kellogg, what about Kellogg, and being yourself. The interview started with the basic questions: walk me through your resume what are your short term and long term goals. Before my interview, I really spent a lot of time studying Kellogg and knowing the programs
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Published: March 29, 2011
Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On Campus
From start to finish the application process was grueling.. but all worth it because I received the admit! Throughout the interview my interviewer was very friendly. We started off with small talk about getting up to HBS. She briefly introduced herself, and then explained that we would have a half hour and likely not have enough time for questions. There was lots of follow-up questions/discussions based on how I answered initial questions, and a number of questions specifically tailored to my individual background. How did you end up at your company? General question about the company structure Specific question tailored
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Published: March 29, 2011
USC / Marshall MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-Campus / Second-year student
I interviewed on campus with a second year student during one of the Saturday interview rounds for R2. Interviewer seemed to only have my resume and hadn’t read other aspects of my application. Tell me about yourself? Hobbies/Interesting Activities? Why MBA & why USC? Tell me about how your prioritize your work? Talk about a leadership experience? Tell me about a weakness? Interview was fairly conversational, although the interviewer kept a good poker face on the whole time. Result: Admitted.
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Published: March 29, 2011
MIT / Sloan MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
I interviewed last week on-campus with admissions staff. I had somewhat of an informal pre-interview with an administrative assistant at the front desk since I was 20 minutes early and we discussed a few topics related to my industry, media and entertainment, such as net neutrality and privacy concerns with online advertising. My official interview wasn’t very structured, it was very conversational. I was not asked any behavioral questions instead I was asked why I wanted to attend Sloan, why an MBA, why now and what were my hobbies. I am an entrepreneur so I was asked about my business
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Published: March 29, 2011
UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year Student / On-Campus
Arrived on campus for the first interview slot of the day (8:15 am) The door for the admissions office was still locked around 8:05 so I knocked persistently until adcom staff opened the door and let me in. After a 10 minute wait, a second year student introduced himself and led me to a conference room in the suite. Interview began with a casual introduction of the interviewer’s background, career focus, etc. Following that we immediately jumped into my resume. About halfway down the page, the questions naturally shifted towards career goals, how Anderson will help fulfill them, what leadership
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Published: March 29, 2011
UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year Student / On-Campus
I was interviewed by a 2nd-year student on February 9th in a conference room in Gold Hall. After telling me about her background, she began the interview by asking me to walk through my resume. The conversation flowed naturally into “why MBA, why now, what short- and long-term goals, why UCLA?” At this point, I had covered so much that she looked up at the clock expecting the 25 minutes to be up. Since only 15 minutes had passed, she asked me one off questions for the next 10 minutes: Strengths and weaknesses? Teamwork experience and difficulties faced? Leadership experience
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Published: March 29, 2011
UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni Interview / Off-Campus
Interview was with an alumni near me at a Starbucks. The atmosphere was very cordial and we ended up speaking for almost 1.5 hours. While the dialogue was very conversational, the mail questions were as following: Tell me about yourself/walk me through your resume Situation at work involving analytical challenge(plus lots and lots of probing questions) Why do you need an MBA What would you have done differently in your job if you could go back(very open ended) Questions for interviewer I could tell that the interviewer really wanted to see if I had done my research on Anderson and
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Published: March 27, 2011
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / AdCom / On Campus
My adcom person confirmed it was a blind interview. She said files are reviewed by 3 people (student, ad com person, director of admissions) for a decision. The interview was 35 minutes. She said we would have time at the end for one or two questions from me. Her questions to me: walk me through your resume short term and long term plans and how the MBA fits in what is your experience working in teams how did you handle a challenging team situation tell me about a time you had to be a leader what critical feedback have you
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Published: March 27, 2011
MIT / Sloan MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
I arrived about 20 minutes early and introduced myself to the admin. There were 2 other waiting for other time slots (which I believe were spaced out about 15 minutes each). My interviewer came out about 10 minutes early and we walked into her office. The interview went like this: I opened up with an ice breaker that wasn’t about the weather (I had lost my credit card the night before). My interviewer could relate, which was nice. I would have though that we would then go into the interview questions, but my interviewer proceeded to inquire about one of
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Published: March 27, 2011
UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-Campus
The interview was with an alum on March 17th. Why an MBA? (with my biology background, it was a very critical question which led to the next question) Why Anderson? (And why not another school in a more bio-central location?) What are your short term and long term goals? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What is one situation where you needed to demonstrate your leadership? What do I see myself focusing on in b-school? What questions do you have for me? We spoke for over an hour and it was a very casual friendly conversation. My interviewer was able
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Published: March 25, 2011
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
I am a non-traditional applicant (2nd year student from an outside medical school) who applied specifically to their Healthcare Management Program (separate application from the rest of Wharton MBA app). From my experience, the Wharton community seems to do a good job of integrating its talents with the rest of UPenn’s schools. In the span of 2 hours before my interview, I spoke with a law student, physics PhD, med student, and engineer student in the general lobby area at Wharton, all of whom were working on some sort of project with an MBA student. As I understand most on-campus
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Published: March 25, 2011
Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-Campus / Adcom
I was a non-traditional applicant (2nd year in medical school) who was interested in Duke’s Health Sector Management program. Some current Fuqua students mentioned that the HSM was the “Gem” of Fuqua because it was one of the best funded programs there and very integrated into Duke’s vast medical resources. Another insight mentioned by Fuqua students is that on-campus interviews are highly encouraged and receive some brownie points. Perhaps its because Durham is not as easy to reach like school in the northeast so they give props for those who make the effort to travel there. From my experience interviewing,
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Published: March 24, 2011
USC / Marshall MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-Campus / Adcom
I interviewed with Kellee Scott from the USC Admissions Office in early March 2011. I am a Round 2 applicant for the full time program. The interview was held on-campus and was very friendly. Kellee made like it was more of a conversation than an interview. Questions that I was asked: Overview your work experience What is a typical day like at work for you? To what extent are you responsible at work, and how much is done in teams? What is the biggest misconception about you? What are 3 traits of a leader? What do you do for fun?
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Published: March 24, 2011
UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
I interviewed on campus with an adcom member. She was very nice, very pleasant to talk with. We had a nice conversation which touched on several topics: Why MBA Why Anderson During the course of those questions, I shared that I am trying to switch careers. The interview then shifted towards my career goals – Why do I want to switch careers What in particular do you plan on doing in the new field (asking about specific tasks and roles) What do i want to do after I graduate Questions for interviewer. Pretty straight forward, no trick or stress questions.
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Published: March 21, 2011
Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom
Got in, but my interview was really intense. Tell me about what you do. (more follow ups) How did you get that job? If (current employer) were to replace you tomorrow, what should they look for? I’m referring to personal skills, not professional skills. Small talk about class visit. In your essay you said (repeated three sentences word-for-word), what did you mean? What’s a common misconception people have about you? What would your 5 best friends say about you? Why (characteristic I mentioned)? Give me an example. What kind of leader are you? (asked follow-ups asking for specific examples) Why
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Published: March 21, 2011
Oxford / Saïd MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype
I had my interview with Saïd Business School over Skype. My interviewer was the Head of Career Services at the Saïd Business School. The interviewer had reviewed my essays and other application materials before the interview. The entire interview lasted about 30 minutes. The interviewer asked the following questions: What are your career goals and why did you decide to pursue a MBA? (And related question) Why did you select Oxford? Which other schools did you apply to and why? Have you heard back from the other schools? What were the results? In your current job what are the areas
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Published: March 20, 2011
Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off-Campus / Alum
I applied R2 and interviewed with an alum in my city. I met him near his workplace and the interview was informal. He asked the following questions: Walk me through your resume (asked questions about the orgs I worked for). Why do you want your MBA? Why Ross? What do you want to get involved in on campus? What is your learning style? What do you consider your proudest achievement? Talk about a disappointment. The interview was about 45 minutes long, and I had enough time to ask 3-4 questions. This was my first interview during the bschool application process,
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Published: March 20, 2011
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus
I had my interview in December 2010, and the rejection letter from Kellogg just reinforced what I anticipated. The interviewer was a 2002 graduate from Kellogg, based in South-East Asia and working for a leading consulting firm. Firstly, the interviewer did not confirm the timing, and later I had to call/SMS to finalize it. The location provided was incorrect, but knowing the place I guessed and reached it much before time. He was not only hostile throughout, but came across as someone who had made-up his mind beforehand. The interview was told to be scheduled for an hour but lasted
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Published: March 20, 2011
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus
I applied R2 and interviewed with an alum in my city. I met her at a cafe. She asked the following questions: walk me through your resume why mba? why kellogg? what do you find most challenging or difficult about your job? talk about your proudest achievement. talk about a time you led a team. how will you contribute to kellogg? what other schools did you apply to? (<—- be careful with this question!!!!) if you got into all of them, how would you choose which one to attend? do you think your GMAT score is accurate reflection of your
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Published: March 20, 2011
INSEAD MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni / Off-Campus
First interview: My first interviewer was the CEO of a start-up company. He had much experience in mergers and acquisitions and as an investor as well. He was polite and very business-like. He had been interviewing candidates for many years for INSEAD. At first, he perused my resume and made some comments, then asked me to explain, in general terms, my career up to now. He asked me why an MBA, why now and why INSEAD. That was the easy part… Then he asked me about my company, how it was structured, questioned me on how I would structure it
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Published: March 20, 2011
Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off-Campus / Alum
The interview was conducted at the office of my alumni interviewer. It lasted approximately 45 minutes. The interviewer did not bring my resume into the interview, but said that it had been reviewed. The interviewer also mentioned that the intention of the interview was to be informal and conversational. The interviewer proceeded to introduce himself/herself and provide a brief overview of his/her career progress to date. I was then asked the following questions: Tell me about a major goal that you have set for yourself. What have you done to achieve your goal? (Led to a follow-up question directly related
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Published: March 16, 2011
NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-Campus / Adcom
Like all the other candidates, I was greeted with a packet of information based on my interests as well as a Stern tshirt. My interviewer was an Associate Director of Admissions and she was quite pleasant. After the initial chitchat about my travel to NYC, we got straight to the interview: How did I choose my undergraduate education? What is your career progression? What are your strengths? Weaknesses? Why do you want to get an MBA? Why do you want to come to Stern? What will you do if you can’t get in your industry of choice? What are some
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Published: March 15, 2011
UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Adcom / Off-campus
I applied for the third deadline, and opted for an off-campus interview. I was interviewed on January 21, 2011 at a hotel in San Francisco. My interviewer was Sherry Wallace, Director of MBA Admissions. She was visibly exhausted conducting back-to-back interviews for two days in a row, but was still very friendly and inspiring. We started off with my current job and she asked me to explain my duties and the significance of my work as a Traffic Safety Engineer at Caltrans. Other questions included: Why an MBA? Why do you want to work on improving infrastructure in the emerging
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Published: March 15, 2011
Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
I recently completed my interview with HBS and found it to be very different from the other interviews I’ve had thus far (I’ve also interviewed with Fuqua, Booth, and Wharton). As opposed to the “blind” interviews at these other schools where the interviewer had not seen my application and had received my resume only shortly before the interview, the HBS interviewer had thoroughly reviewed my HBS application and referred to different parts of it throughout the interview. The interview was exactly 30 minutes long and did not include time for questions. After a very limited amount of small talk, the
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