Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off-Campus / Alum
Off-campus on a weekend day relatively late in the interview cycle (February 19). It was held at a local coffee shop and took about 45 minutes. The interviewer was alum who had been out of school for about 6-7 years and had already conducted numerous interviews. She had a copy of my resume, but no other submitted materials. List of interview questions: Tell me about time you’ve had to work in a team. How do you handle situations in which there is disagreement? Tell me about an example. What are your short and long term career goals? Biggest accomplishment. Why
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Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-Campus / Second-year Student
I attended a class visit and tour, which I found helpful for the interview on-campus. Round 2 Interview in Mid-February On-campus in an empty Admissions committee member office Interviewed by a 2nd year student, blind interview Received standard interview questions, and few were surprising and behavioral based: Walk me through resume Why MBA Why Ross How can I contribute both in and out of the classroom What is leadership What magazine cover would you want to be on and why? Q&A Session The interview was for 30 minutes and was very conversational. I thought I did well and handled the
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Georgetown / McDonough MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Off-Campus
Round 2 Interview in Mid-February Off-campus in a Chicago hotel AdCom blind interview Received standard interview questions: Why MBA? I talked about my career path and my LT/ST goals. Why Georgetown? I referenced a McDonough friend, campus visit, its holistic education, global brand, Global Residency, and career placements. What’s your leadership style? I defined my style and talked about a work project. What do you do outside of work? I talked about my extracurriculars. Tell me about a failure. I talked about tough project where I stumbled. How would you market yourself for your desired internship? I talked about my
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Berkeley / Haas MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Student / On-Campus
Had a 1 hour interview, with current student on campus. Questions covered – Resume walk through with emphasis on undergrad, what I learned abroad Trajectory at firm since I’ve been promoted a couple times Career goals Why MBA / why Cal Leadership experience Challenging team experience, probed on difficult relationship Conflict with teammate experience Then a bit of a conversation / discussion about his experiences, etc. Result – admitted, round 2.
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UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year Student / On-Campus
It was a very relaxed environment, and all the standard questions were asked (format was very much conversational, not just shooting off questions): Why Anderson? Why MBA?..they did not ask why now, but that’s because I answered it organically via another question One specific question came (since my focus will be entrepreneurial) that I did not prepare for: can you tell me how you plan to start your business? They knew I was going to biz school for that reason, but they just wanted to make sure I’ve thought out what I want to do. I had a few minutes
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Published: February 28, 2011
UT Austin / McCombs MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Off-Campus / Alum
Last 45 minutes. He had another interview following mine and we had to stick to the timeline. He said that he would have a week after our interview to fill out an online evaluation form. What made you minor in such a unique language? (really the only question related directly to my resume, I wasn’t asked to walk through it) Why a MBA? Why Texas? How would you leave an impact on the school? What has been your favorite or best team experience? Tell me about a bad team experience What is your favorite part about Austin Have you ever
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Published: February 28, 2011
London Business School MBA Admissions Interview Questions: ound 2 / Alum / Off-campus
This is the summary of my LBS interview preparation experience Popular questions Why MBA, why now? Why LBS over other B-schools listed in my application? Given examples of incidents when you formed your own teams. How did you go about forming those teams? What do your subordinates think about you? How will you manage expenses/finances? (Particularly relevant if you choose to be an entrepreneur after B-school) Questions on projects and work assignments listed in my resume. (Particularly relevant if the interviewer has somewhat similar background) Questions on key trends in my industry Questions on my current employer’s strategy Potential preparatory
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Published: February 28, 2011
UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Adcom / Telephonic Interview
I submitted my application on deadline 3 but had already received an interview offer way before I submitted my application( end of December). I received an interview offer as soon as I uploaded my GMAT score and the unofficial transcript. I had a half an hour phone interview at the end of January. The interviewer seemed to have reviewed my resume pretty well because she asked me a number of questions about my current job and my volunteer activities. The interview was very informal and few some of the questions are below: Please walk me through your resume How did
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Published: February 28, 2011
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2
30 minute interview Tell me about a time when you were on a team working to complete a task when there was no appointed leader Tell me about a time where you had to persuade people of your opinion when at first they did not agree with you Tell me about a time when you were working on a team and there was a conflict between 2 or more people. What did you do? Why Wharton? Any questions for me?
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Published: February 28, 2011
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview: Round 2 / Alum / Off-Campus
Had my Chicago Booth interview in late February with an alum in my city. Questions included: Walk me through your resume Why did you pick your majors — double majored in humanities/social science disciplines — he actually majored in one of my concentrations and asked me about my favorite writers and even about my thesis topic and what I concluded How did you become interested in investment banking He also asked me specific details about my current role and what I would recommend a potential investor to consider before making an investment decision. This lasted ~5 minutes Why MBA Why
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Published: February 28, 2011
Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off-Campus / Alum
Met an alum at his office in NYC. He was very nice, explained that he was going to ask me a few behavioral questions and that the interview would last 45min. Why Stanford? Why an MBA now? What do you hope to get out of it? (follow up questions really dug into my answer so I suggest really getting this one down pat) What did you like about your undergrad? Why don’t you want to go there for your MBA? Tell me about a time when you dealt with a problematic person, what was the situation and how did you
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Published: February 28, 2011
Berkeley / Haas MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-Campus
Met the alum in a quiet restaurant. He was very nice and had a very conversational interview style: Questions: Introduce yourself / walk through resume Some detailed questions about my job – projects I had worked on, what were challenges, what were results (he seemed genuinely interested) Plans after Berkeley & why Berkeley Tell me about a time when you did something really innovative Tell me about a time when you had a conflict in a team – how did you deal with it Tell me about a time when you had to lead a group Overall, no really tough
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Published: February 27, 2011
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni / Off-Campus
For some odd reason, I got a very tough interview; lasted 75-80 minutes; the interviewer was not very friendly, and at times almost hostile. I believe I was asked just about every question that I’ve seen listed here. Started off with: Tell me about your current job and walk me through your resume backwards. There were lots of pointed questions about my resume. Also much cross-questioning throughout the time we spoke about my work experiences, some of it very critical. Other questions: Have you ever live outside your home country? Tell me about your extra-curricular activities. Why MBA? Why Now?
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Published: February 27, 2011
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni / Off-Campus
I was given my interview assignment fairly late, about exactly 8 weeks after having submitted Part I of the application. The alumnus that I was assigned graduated in 2008. He arranged for the interview to occur after work at a local Starbucks. The interview was very conversational, and the interviewer was both friendly and helpful. Questions (as close to the order as I can remember): Why Kellogg? — which surprised me, given that I hadn’t yet made a case for an MBA. I answered Why MBA? and then jumped into Why Kellogg? Do you need an MBA? How will you
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Published: February 24, 2011
NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-Campus / Adcom
Like the last contributor, I felt I needed to share my interview experience because it was a marked contrast to others. I met with an adcom who was also very intense. I did not feel like it was a “conversation”, more like a formal interview, like that of a job interview. Questions I had never seen before but were asked were: My exact career progression (unlike others, I was not asked to talk about my decision to attend my undergraduate institution although I had graduated only 4 years prior to the interview) Why Stern specifically; i.e. what did I believe
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Published: February 23, 2011
UT Austin / McCombs MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round One / On-Campus / Second-Year Student
I interviewed on Dec 2, 2010 – Round One. It was an on – campus interview with a second year student. Since I had visited the campus before, I opted out of class visit and tour. It was a blind interview, interviewer had no idea about my application. She had my resume alone. She had different sets of questions and asked one or 2 from each set. Questions: Walk me through your resume. What are you career goals – How does an MBA fit in. Why Mccombs. A leadership opportunity. What would you do if a member of your team
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Published: February 23, 2011
UT Austin / McCombs MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Off-Campus / Alum
I got an interview invite about 3 months ago and decided to do an alumni interview in my area. The 4th alum I contacted finally got back to me and we set up a time to meet him at his office a week later. The interview took about 45 minutes and was very relaxed. Most questions were what I expected. Why MBA? Why McCombs? Why Now? Some questions about my work experience. Short-term and long-term goals? Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult group member. What other schools have you applied to? Why those?
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Published: February 23, 2011
Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-Campus / Adcom
The reason why I choose to come to Hanover a day early was to get a feel of living in Hanover. The plan was to hang around with the locals, visit shops, talking with people, etc. It was especially important that I could answer for myself – can I live in Hanover for over 2 years, considering the harsh weather! 18th January 2011: The roads were clear so it was a pleasant drive. I reached Hanover at around 4.30am, checked into a hotel and slept off. Despite the scare from my friends about the New Hampshire snow, it seemed fine.
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Published: February 22, 2011
Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Regular Decision / Alum / Off-Campus
I had an alum interview about a month ago. I e-mailed all three alumni in my initial list and went with the person that responded the quickest and had the most flexibility. This interview was very relaxed and much more laid back than any of my other business school interviews. Questions were very “by the book”, having read this site before: Resume walk through Why b-school Why Columbia Ethical dilemma question What I will add to Columbia Backup plan if I don’t get in Am I applying to other schools Lots of time for me to ask questions, and get
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Published: February 22, 2011
NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-Campus / Adcom
I wanted to share because my interview was way more intense than anything I’d read about. I had heard that NYU Stern interviews were laid back and more conversational than at other schools but my interview was nothing like that. Questions were very behavioral in nature and I felt a bit caught off guard. Sort of felt like a “quiz” compared to other b-school interviews I have had. On a positive note, I thought it was very well planned because when you show up at admissions they give you a t-shirt and a folder about your areas of interest. Some
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Published: February 22, 2011
Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum
Had my R2 Stanford interview in mid-February with an alum. Questions were pretty straightforward. These may not be the exact words as I can’t remember the questions verbatim, but these were the general themes/topics addressed: Walk me through your resume Why MBA / Why now Why Stanford Tell me about a time where there was not a defined leader and you took on that role Tell me about a time that you did something that was innovative / transformed your team Interviewer probed further on the two aforementioned questions and asked how I convinced my team to follow my approach
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Published: February 22, 2011
Tepper MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom
I was interviewed by a member of the admissions committee and it was not blind. The interviewer had reviewed my application prior to the interview and was aware of all of the aspects of my application. The interview was conversational and friendly in tone. The questions I was asked: Walk me through your professional background. Short-term and long-term goals. Why MBA from Tepper? How do I work in a team? (example of teamwork) How do I lead? (example of leadership) What do I do outside of work? What clubs am I interested in? In total, the interview ran for about
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Published: February 21, 2011
Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Off-Campus
Adcom guy was nice and had me take a few breaths at the beginning to calm down (even though I wasn’t nervous). The location was in New York and the location was not a private room which I had been expecting, it was around a lot of other people which threw me off at first. Questions were: Why did you choose your college? What is something you want to start doing, stop doing, and continue doing? Anything I didnt ask that you want me to ask that isnt on any of your materials? Tell me something about you that would
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Published: February 20, 2011
Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off-Campus / Alum
I completed my interview with an alum in Bangalore at a local coffee-shop, was very casual, and we spent a significant amount of time chatting about his MBA experience at Ross. Main questions: Walk me through your resume Why Ross Why an MBA now Describe your key learnings in the last (4) years of your experience Short and long term goals I expressed my interest in strategy so he asked me to describe a strategy ive seen in m current job profile we talked about returning to India and working in India My experience working in a team…what would I
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Published: February 20, 2011
Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-Campus / Second-year Student
Just interviewed at Ross on Friday. Very conversational, though others said they have very regimented interviews. It was with a second year student (as were all the others). The room is very small, so be prepared for that, but the whole thing was laid back. My interview lasted 45 minutes. Some of the questions. Walk me through your resume What will contribute to Ross What do you do for fun Why Ross Give me a team example. All I can remember.
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