Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: March 31, 2010
Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year Student / On-campus
My interview was with a second-year student and we finished within the allotted 30 minutes. She took extensive notes and didn’t really ask follow-up questions. The questions she asked were: Talk me through your resume (particularly interested in how I selected my college, course of study and majors). How did I pick my first job and subsequent roles? Why an MBA and why Yale? What do I intend to do following Yale and during the MBA? Any questions? I would strongly recommend prospective applicants to schedule the interview for the afternoon if he/she hasn’t visited campus before. The admissions office
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Published: March 29, 2010
London Business School MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-Campus
I interviewed at my interviewers office for 75 minutes. My interviewer was a recent graduate. The questions I was asked were: Can you walk me through your resume? What do you currently do? Career Goals? Short term / Long term? You already have great finance experience to achieve your goals. Why do you need an MBA? Why LBS? How LBS differentiates from the other school you applied to? Do you have any back up plan in case your goals are not achievable? Could you describe your extracurriculars? How will you contribute to the school? I was then asked questions on
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Published: March 28, 2010
Published: March 28, 2010
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-Campus
I had my interview on a weekend with the Wharton alum. It lasted roughly 50 minutes. The interview was quite laid back though I could not really tell what my interviewer was thinking. My interviewer wrote notes during the whole interview but kept eye contact. I led the first 20 minutes of the interview and logically answered the following questions: walk through the resume? (10 minutes) short term and long term goals? why Wharton? Then, for the next 30 minutes: Describe a time when you had to work with a difficult team member What do you do if you disagree
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Published: March 28, 2010
Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus
I interviewed with an alumnus from Stanford GSB on February 19th, 2010 at 9:30am. I applied 2nd round on the day it was due, January 6th, 2010. He suggested to meet at the Westin Hotel restaurant and implied his company will take care of breakfast. He didn’t have any information about me other than the resume I sent him but he was able to find a few blogs written from a while back. It was a very informal interview, with small chit chat. I was surprised at how informal he dressed and felt I was a little overdressed with my
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Published: March 28, 2010
MIT / Sloan MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / Off-campus / Admitted!
Did it in India with AdCom officer in January 2010. There was some initial small talk about the company I work with, and then there were following questions What does your company do? Why did you choose your current job? Tell about a difficult interaction with your manager. Why did you make this job change? What do you want to do in long-term? How did you prepare yourself for your new job? Lot of small, follow-on questions about a sports I had written about in my resume to assess knowledge of that? Tell me about a latest accomplishment since you
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Published: March 28, 2010
UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus
My interviewer was extremely upbeat, friendly, and had loved her Anderson experience. We met at a coffee shop and the conversation was very relaxed. List of interview questions: Tell me about yourself. Why Anderson? Can you describe a difficult/challenging interaction you had at work? Which personal accomplishment and which professional accomplishment are you most proud of? Would you consider moving to California after graduation [from NYC]? What do you think are your application’s greatest strengths? Weaknesses? What do you like to do for fun? Is there anything else you’d like the admissions committee to know that wasn’t in your application/that
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Published: March 26, 2010
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Alumnus / Off-campus
Interview lasted 75 minutes, held at Panera. Interviewer was friendly and informal but professional. Got into the questions pretty quickly. The list is not in order after the first one. Why MBA? Why Kellogg? Why now? (all in one) Why do you want to make this particular career transition? What attracts you to the field? (not exact words, but that was the general sense) What clubs do you plan to join? What five words would your friends use to describe you? Then: If you heard them use these words, what one would make you the proudest? Leadership example Example where
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Published: March 21, 2010
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
I had my an off-campus interview with an alum. It went for about 75 minutes. The alum was really warm and welcoming throughout the conversation and it was clear he had a fantastic experience. Pretty standard set of questions Why MBA? Why Kellogg? Give example of a work conflict? Biggest accomplishment? Interests outside of work? Questions? My key points of advice: Ensure that you show all facets of your personality especially ability to work in teams, collaborate and contribute to Kellogg community; I found it very worthwhile to visit campus and speak to current students as it was informative and
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Published: March 21, 2010
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / On-campus
Had my interview on campus on a Saturday morning. There were some Booth students in the lobby who served as greeters and answered questions before we were called into rooms for our respective interviews. I also took the opportunity to take advantage of scheduled tours of the Harper Center as well as a sandwich lunch with current students to get a better perspective of the program. I interviewed on the weekend due to work commitments, however my advice would be to interview / visit during the week to get a better feel for the school as it was pretty quiet
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Published: March 21, 2010
Cornell / Johnson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom / On-campus / Round 2 / Accepted!
Interview was fairly informal. Lasted almost exactly 30 minutes and she asked the following questions: Walk me through your resume and experience. Leadership examples Asked about my career goals Which immersion would best fit your goals? Tell me about a time you experienced conflict and how did you resolve it? Did you bring anything else besides your resume you would like to share? Asked me about my passion for a particular sport since the interviewer was also passionate about it Asked if I had re-taken my GMAT because I said I would in the optional essay of my application (which
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Published: March 17, 2010
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus
The interviewer was fairly formal and was nice- to- neutral. The interview lasted about 30 minutes. Walk me through your resume Why MBA? Why Wharton? What is your biggest strength? Name one weakness Describe a time when you had a conflict with your manager Describe a time when you experienced competition with a peer What extracurricular activities are you interested in at Wharton? What classes do you think will be useful for you at Wharton? Questions for the interviewer
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Published: March 16, 2010
Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Hub office Off-campus / Adcom
Interview lasted 30 min. Questions were broad (see below). I never got interrupted, no specific follow-up. Can you tell me more on your academic experience. I see you have studied at university X and did an exchange to university Y. Can you tell me a bit more on those choices and the challenges you faced? Why did you then choose to work in consulting and why firm Z in particular? Can you tell me more about EC activity X? Since last year, you got promoted. How did your leadership style evolve to deserve that promotion? How are you different from
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Published: March 14, 2010
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus
I am a second round applicant for Wharton and was invited for an alum interview. The interview happened in one of the cafes in Bombay and was very relaxed. The questions asked were: Please walk me through your resume Please tell me more about your extra curricular activities – why do you pursue this particular hobby? Why do you want to do an MBA – I started talking about my long term goal and how the MBA was important for me Why Wharton? Which other schools have you applied to? Tell me some leadership experience Tell me a time
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Published: March 12, 2010
INSEAD MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alumni / Off-campus
First Interview: I had interview with a Bain partner in Shanghai. The interview was quite standard. He asked a lot of questions about why INSEAD, why MBA, long term career goal, short term career goal, why go to France, how would colleagues describe you, what is your weakness… What is the cultural difference between China and France… And I have taken some chances to ask back on some of his questions. Time was very short, I hadn’t had chance to ask a lot of questions. Basically the interviewer is formal. I had won some smiles on his part when talking
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Published: March 10, 2010
Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off-campus / Alumnus
My interviewer was very relaxed and friendly, and had loved his Ross experience. We met at a coffee shop for just under an hour. List of interview questions: Tell me about yourself. Why Ross? Have you visited the campus and seen the new building? (I had not, but emphasized my attendance of local events) How do you feel about moving [from NYC] to the Midwest? Can you tell me about a time when you dealt with a struggling team member? Asked me to elaborate on two of the bullet points on my resume on my current position. How do you
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Published: March 10, 2010
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus
Questions: Walk me through your resume. Why MBA? Why now? Why Kellogg? Tell me about your passion(s) outside of the professional or education realms (e.g., extracurricular pursuit). What was your single greatest professional accomplishment? What do you do for fun? Tell me about a time when your communication with a colleague was a catalyst to achieve a team goal. What are the 3 most important attributes of a successful leader? How do you rate yourself in each of these attributes? Who do you admire as a leader? What is the most challenging part of your job (current or previous)? What
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Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2
Walk me through your resume Long Term/Short Term Goals Why MBA Why Now Why Duke Tell me about the type of leader you are If you can’t look for the good, what do you do in difficult situations? What would you look for in a team (specifically learning team)? How do you deal with conflict?
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London Business School MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
I had an interview in March 2010 and it took 3 hours, out of which 30-40 minutes were devoted to my questions. The questions I was asked are as follows (as far as I remember): Related to school, career: Why LBS? Why MBA? Imagine world without an MBA. What would you do? (I understood as what I would do to achieve my professional goals?) If you can achieve your goals without an MBA why do you want to get an MBA? How would you contribute to your study group at LBS from professional point of view? What will be your
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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni / On campus
There were 8-10 people waiting to interview at the same time, when I was only expecting 2-3 people. I interviewed on campus, but with an alumni. She said they asked her to volunteer because of the high volume of applicants. She said the interview would last 30 minutes but it was 45-50. She was friendly. The questions posted by everyone here were the same except that since I am a high-level manager at my current job, she did not ask me any pointed leadership questions. I assume I was expected to cover this in my narrative when I walked her
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UVA / Darden MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Video Skype
The interview was blind (i.e. the interviewer had not seen my application), and was conducted by Kathy Grant, the Assistant Director of Admissions. As mentioned by several candidates, the interviewer simply asked me to “tell my story”, but to hit points like Why I picked my undergraduate degree, Why an MBA, Why Darden, Why Now, and also asked to highlight issues of leadership. The interview was quite informal and pleasant, and the interviewer seemed to be trying to gauge my personality more than my experiences. She asked very few follow up questions and obviously expected me mostly to lead the
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Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second year student / On-campus
I scheduled my interview for the late morning and took the train from NYC. The staff in the admissions office were warm and welcoming. The interview itself was held in a small conference room upstairs from the admissions office – my interviewer was a second year student, dressed casually and very low-key in temperament. As I recall, the questions were: What did you do for fun in college? Why did you pick that college and why that major? Your work history is pretty broad – walk me through the major experiences you’ve had since college. (We then drilled into a
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